Guest of Honor 2023
Monte Cook
Baveći se profesionalno spisateljstvom preko 30 godina, Monte Cook priznaje kako nikada nije imao „pravi posao“.
Kao dizajner igara radio je na stotinama projekata, uključujući kodizajniranje treće edicije D&D-a, a dizajnirao je HeroClix, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Ptolus, Arcana Evolved i Numenera. Također potpisuje mnoštvo proizvoda za Planescape, Call of Cthulhu d20, Monte Cook’s World of Darkness, hrpu d20 stvari i – još davno – proizvode za Rolemaster i Champions.
Kao pisac fikcije, objavio je brojne kratke priče i dva romana: The Glass Prison, epski fantasy smješten u Zaboravljena Carstva, te Of Aged Angels, suvremenu priču o konspiraciji i paranormalnom. Pohađao je prestižnu radionicu pisanja Clarion West SF&F, i Launchpad radionicu pod pokroviteljstvom NASA-e.
Kao pisac stripova, za Marvel Comics napisao je serijal Ptolus: Monte Cook’s City by the Spire, i još kratkih djela.
Kao pisac publicistike, objavio je uvrnut, ali informativan Skeptic’s Guide to Conspiracies.
Having worked as a professional writer for more than 30 years, Monte Cook can honestly say that he’s never had a real job.
As a game designer, he’s worked on hundreds of products, including as a codesigner of D&D 3rd Edition, and designer of HeroClix, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Ptolus, Arcana Evolved, Numenera, and so much more, including a number of Planescape products, Call of Cthulhu d20, Monte Cook’s World of Darkness, a whole bunch of d20 stuff, and—going way back—products for Rolemaster and Champions.
As a fiction writer, he has published numerous short stories and two novels, The Glass Prison, a heroic fantasy set in the Forgotten Realms, and Of Aged Angels, a modern day conspiracy and paranormal tale. He attended both the prestigious Clarion West SF&F writer’s workshop and the NASA-funded Launchpad workshop.
As a comic book writer, he has written a limited series for Marvel Comics called Ptolus: Monte Cook’s City by the Spire, as well as some shorter work.
As a nonfiction writer, he has published the wry but informative Skeptic’s Guide to Conspiracies.